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Old 03-06-04, 08:17 AM   #4
schmooky007's Avatar
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I find that really hard to believe ..just look at the pics....blind freddy could have seen her
oh really? and how would you know? i urge you to read some of statements about rachel corrie's death on the ISM website. most of the stories there about this incident rely exclusively on what ISM members saw that day. according to joseph smith, an ISM member who was part of the group of people who were with corrie, ms. corrie "dropped her bullhorn and sat down in front of one of the bulldozers." isolated from the other members of the group, ms. corrie then climbed on top of a small mound of soil the bulldozer created and kneeled. it is there when she lost her balance and fell to the ground. the fact that she sat down, kneeled, and fell to the ground right in front of the bulldozer suggests that she was indeed out of the driver's line of sight. in an interview with an israeli newspaper, mr. smith confirms that "the driver lost sight of her and continued forward. Then, without lifting the blade he reversed and Rachel was underneath ... she wasn’t run over by the tread."

Rachel was run over while attempting to save the house of a pharmacist, Dr. Samir Nasrallah of Rafah in the Gaza strip
maybe stop quoting things from the ISM website and make it look like they're your own words. yeesh... and besides, so what? abdel aziz rantisi was a pediatrician, yet that didn't prevent him from being a mass murderer who spearheaded a terrorist organization that targets and murders israeli children. being a lawyer didn't stop hanadi jaradat from massacring 21 israelis, wiping out 2 entire families with children and infants, in a restaurant in haifa. working as a medic for the palestinian red crescent didn't stop wafa idris from becoming a homicide bomber who killed an israeli teen and wounded over 100 others. she was dispatched by a palestinian terrorist who was an ambulance driver for the palestinian red crescent. so you see, just because they happen to have fancy or important jobs doesn't mean they're not involved in terrorism.

Strangely, given the publicity that attended this tragedy, the Israeli Army has never shown any evidence of a tunnel in Dr. Nasrallah's house,
not everything is released to the public and certainly the IDF doesn't need to justify anything to a bunch of retarded anarchists. if the ISM want access to more material perhaps they should petition the israeli courts.

after the homicide bombing in the port of ashdod, israel closed the karni crossing. this crossing was once the main route to get arms into gaza. but because of its recent closing and the strict israeli crackdown for several years, the only realistic way the rifles and explosives could have made it through to the gunmen is to be smuggled from egypt through the tunnels. of course, we need to remember that according to the oslo accords the palestinians are not permitted to have such weapons. the international community never criticized the PA about this.

Yeah right, she was truly hard to miss wearing a fluo orange jacket and screeming through the top of her lungs on a loudspeaker
those pics were fake. the associated press published them and later retracted them.

You are right on this, nobody told her she had to do that but she did to try to protect innocent ppl and got killed for it
the ISM have a history of sheltering terrorists. they keep coming up with silly excuses to justify the circumstances.

Palestinians are not terrorists, they are only humans being like you and me
true.. at least some of them. still, palestinian opinion polls show otherwise. most palestinians support terrorism, believing that the ethnic cleansing of jews from the west bank and gaza is only the beginning of the liberation of all of "palestine". from river to sea, as they put it.

trying to protect what land is left to them in anyway possible since they don't get 3 billions a year to protect themselves like those murderers do.
nothing should be left to them because nothing is theirs. there was never an independent palestinian state from which these lands were seized from. israel took control of these areas during war, a war meant to destroy the jewish state launched by the arab world as a collective. the parties who controlled these areas prior to the war and lost them, egypt and jordan, have renounced their claims to it. the arab residents of these areas, the so-called palestinians, can move to jordan, egypt, saudi arabia, iran, just to name a few places. there is no shortage of muslem countries in the middle east that they can move into. and considering that most palestinians are islamists, living in a fascist muslem state would fit them quite well i reckon.

Yeah, Nick Berg behedding was a shock to the world and it was considered a bloody murder... How come Rachel Corrie in your views, murder, is considered less?
that's the stupidest thing you've said yet. how can you compare the brutal beheading of an innocent civilian, nick berg, for the use of islamic propaganda, with the accidental death of rachel corrie, who belonged to a group of terrorist sympathizers who was stupid enough to play hero and got killed as a result?

1. The Israelis stop indoctrinating their youth with the idea the goi are all animals who have not even the right to life ect...
wtf are you talking about?
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