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Old 16-07-07, 09:57 AM   #25
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Originally Posted by malvachat View Post
Here's something to think about.

"Freedom of speech is the concept of being able to speak freely without censorship"
Really, well I disagree and there has to be limits. People can not be allowed to walk around and say or print what ever they want too. Things like saying you have a bomb at an airport, yelling fire in a movie theater, yelling he has a gun at a crowded event to cause panic. There has to be some “censorship” or rules put on people when it comes to “freedom of speech as you put it.

"The right to freedom of speech is guaranteed under international law through numerous human rights instruments, notably under Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
Don’t care about international law, who is suppose to enforce this “law”, the UN. That’s a joke….

"the United States First Amendment theoretically grants absolute freedom, placing the burden upon the state to demonstrate when (if) a limitation of this freedom is necessary"
Same as above, There has to be limitations, and I and everyone should understand why we need these limitations.

Note the phase " limitation of this freedom is necessary"
And Yes, and It is necessary.

Who deems it necessary?
The State?
I guess.

"The US Supreme Court has spoken of the ability to criticize government and government officials as "the central meaning of the First Amendment."

"Some suggest that when citizens refrain from voicing their discontent because they fear retribution"

"Since 1977, the U.S. Supreme Court has retreated from protecting freedom of speech"

I can show you case after case where using so called "free speech" is curtailed because of retribution by people in so called positions of power.
Please do, and if people don’t speck up because of that reason, well that has absolutely nothing to do with the Law or “censorship”.

I can show case after case where freedom of speech and expression is protected, from Larry Flint to flag burning to Nazi and KKK rallies.

It stands to reason if you insult your boss,you go.
Call your wife or girlfriend a stupid c*nt. I won’t, but not because I or anyone in the USA as lost the right to Freedom of Speech”. Limits Mal, people need limitations, or there could be consequences

But if you write a letter to a paper with a point of view about something not concerning your work that your boss doesn't like?
Or stating a point of view about anything unrelated to his or her work or workplace?
Maybe a point of view about dog baiting.
But because your boss goes dog baiting he sacks you.
right or wrong?

You might well think you have freedom of speech but you're very much mistaken.
As for your name calling it's becoming bit of a bore.
It's silly and it detracts from your point of view.

Now let's be sensible some restrictions on speech are necessary in lots of areas.But when it comes to criticizing government and government officials,free and open discussion should be allowed without fear of retribution.

Do you really think that is the case now in the States?
Yes I do. Cindy Sheehan, Mike Moore, John Stewart, Al Franken, Bill Maher, etc etc etc

What is the quote from your president?

You either with us or your with the terrorists?
So if you disagree with his way,your on the side of the terrorist?Strange point of view that.
Anyway for the record,I don't dislike America or Mr Bush.
I just think your going down the road to a fascist state.

I got most of the quotes from Wikipedia.
Not sure if you consider that a credible source or not?

Under the Constitution of the USA he is protected to say things like that, and I disagree, the USA is far far from becoming a Fascist State. And he is not my President. I am Irish Canadian...
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