Thread: Fear Factor
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Old 10-03-05, 05:17 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by theknife
yer a good german jc, i'll give you that

but you allowed yourself to get suckered into the hype and since you don't have the conceptual skills to think your way out, i'll throw you a bone:

9/11 didn't happen because there was no Patriot Act or war on terror. it didn't happen coz there may be "sleeper cells" or coz we didn't know about Al Queda or comprehend the threat. it didn't happen coz the Feds didn't have the power to detain people indefinitely, charge people with laws too secret to make public, or search their book buying habits.

in short, 9/11 didn't happen because of some great revelation we have only now come to realize.....

9/11 only happened because basic existing functions of government failed; specifically immigration and airport security (as overseen by the FAA).

remember that JC, and perhaps you'll be able to frame a coherent line of thought on this subject in the future.
.....and once again you post nothing but your convoluted fantasies. No facts, no truth, not even a fictional "secret FBI File" this time that nobody but ONE reporter was able to get. You come here with this story, cut and paste a few lines out of context, leave a link to the 3rd page of the article because thats where your 3 out of context lies were from, and then hoot and holler and WRONGLY claim it's some smoking gun that proves Terrorist sleeper cells are a MYTH, that they don't exist now, and never have. None of which the article even remotely comes close to saying, when in fact it says that we are worried that we have been unable to locate any cells "TO DATE" as if we are sure there are cells here NOW!

Now you claim supreme knowledge of the events leading up to 9/11. What an EGO.

Why haven't you called the White House and told George that you have all the answers to 9/11. Exactly how, what and why it happened, you've figured out every mistake right down the last insubordinate FAA employee that REALLY caused 9/11.

Now you make up your own definition of "sleeper cells" in a pathetic attempt to climb out of this giant pit of complete non-sense you continue to stew in.

The 9/11 terrorists weren't "sleeper cells"? They didn't live here inactive until called to strike? They just flew over from Afghanistan that morning and said what the hell lets hijack 3 planes and fly them into American Buildings?

That bone you threw was your last bit of credibility. The Terrorists were indeed sleeper cells. They were SENT here with a pre conceived plan to lie in wait and remain INACTIVE until called upon to carry out that planned attack. They took up residence, hung out at local bars and acted like any other LEGAL immigrant, the whole time maintaining contact with those that sent them, while they spent a still UNKNOWN amount of time planning, preparing, educating, and collecting the tools they needed to assure their success.

You'd think you would tire of continually embarrassing yourself like this. Please do lecture me on framing coherent thoughts when you actually frame one yourself. Talk about a "Sleeper Cell".

Originally Posted by A Paranoid freak
WHY don't we have the 19 Hijackers on camera going through security? Oh yeah we have a pic of Atta doing this in Maine but not Boston or NY or DC, No cameras there? How about videos of them getting out of their cars. You know the cars with the quarans and the flight instructions for dummies.
C'mon floyd not again.

Last edited by jcmd62 : 10-03-05 at 05:29 PM.
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