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Old 19-03-05, 01:16 AM   #16
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Under Bush, a New Age of Prepackaged Television News
More liberal excrement multi? How in the world do you figure this is "NEW" or that Bush started this practice? You cut and paste worse than knife.

One paragragh out a long article and your making even more inaccurate and fictional claims about Bush. How do you ignore facts in the same article like this:

Federal agencies have been commissioning video news releases since at least the first Clinton administration. An increasing number of state agencies are producing television news reports, too; the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department alone has produced some 500 video news releases since 1993.
or this:
Under the Bush administration, federal agencies appear to be producing more releases, and on a broader array of topics.
You meant "Under Clinton" right? Seems he used the same propaganda tools himself. Hardly a "New" practice. Then it simply says that Bush is just using "more" news releases than his predecessor.
It is a sizable industry. One of its largest players, Medialink Worldwide Inc., has about 200 employees, with offices in New York and London. It produces and distributes about 1,000 video news releases a year, most commissioned by major corporations. The Public Relations Society of America even gives an award, the Bronze Anvil, for the year's best video news release.
"No TV news organization has the resources in labor, time or funds to cover every worthy story," one video news release company, TVA Productions, said in a sales pitch to potential clients, adding that "90 percent of TV newsrooms now rely on video news releases."
So much for your catchy title multi. Blame it on Bush. Doesn't matter that video news releases have been used for years. Hardly "NEW AGE". Bush is only using tools that technology affords him that wasn't available to presidents in the past. Nothing illegal or as shocking as you attempt to mislead people into believing.

We are putting T.V.'s into refridgerator doors, hanging them above urinals so we can watch the news while we pee. No matter where we are we can have our email call our cell phones and notify us of ANY news agency of our choosing releases a news story on ANY subjects of our choosing. We can check and read these news stories instantly.

Why wouldn't Bush be using video news releases more and more just everybody else? Just like the next Pres. will use them even more than Bush.
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