Thread: Cheney
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Old 18-11-05, 04:36 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by theknife
Murtha's credentials in this area are impeccable - it's a reality check you can take to the bank.

I don't care about his credentials or his character. I care about his plan or lack of one. Murtha said something about moving American troops "outside the borders" of Iraq and using them as a "quick strike force". What type of plan is that? Who's borders is he talking about? Please tell me, Iran's? Kuwait? Syria? Turkey didn't let the US launch the an attack from there in 2003, so I guess he means put aircraft carriers and lots of fast helicopters in the Persian Gulf or the Mediterranean. Great idea....or does he mean invade an border country and put troops there?

-If they were outside Iraq, how fast could they strike from there, if called back in to respond to a car bomb or sniper attack or uprising from a few dozen Al Qaida thugs? About all they could do is come in a few hours later and write up a casualty/damage report, while the bad guys have either been shot by Iraqis or disappeared into the woodwork.

Murtha's "strategy" makes no military sense whatsoever.-

there are attacks by diehard Saddam fans and Al Qaida terrorists, it is much easier to respond to them QUICKLY by working side-by-side with Iraqi forces, who know where the attackers came from, and our troops can respond within minutes, before the attackers have a chance to hide. Any attacker that is killed will never attack again, whereas an attacker who hides may attack again.

If American troops were stationed outside of Iraq's borders, it would take many hours to respond to any guerrilla attacks, and the guerrillas would have ample time to hide and live to attack again.

Murtha's "strategy" is lousy, and would only delay the final victory by failing to kill the enemy. If, according to Murtha, our "strategy" is to train Iraqi troops in complete safety, why not airlift Iraqi troops to West Point and train them there? Except that the enemies will have a field day against civilians while they're gone!

We need to tell the truth about Murtha's plan. It might reduce American casualties, but it would lead to either defeat or a much longer war, since the enemies would be killed more slowly.
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