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Old 12-01-04, 10:56 AM   #32
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Finally someone from the Bush Administration has told the truth. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill has told everyone what we already knew; that Bush was a moron, a lying one and that the reason to invade Iraq was not weapons of mass destruction but oil and was bandied about months before the 9-11 attacks. O'Neill backed it up with Pentagon documents proving without a doubt American soldiers died for oil and money and not to save America from weapons of mass destruction. The Pentagon had Iraqi maps for potential areas of oil exploration in March of 2001 and two years later suddenly Bush starts lying about weapons of mass destruction and Iraq as an imminent threat. They just happened to have maps of oil drilling sites, what a coincidence that suddenly Iraq becomes this great threat. How is the Bush Administration and the Pentagon going to explain their desire to invade Iraq just 10 days after his inauguration? Throw in the fact that David Kay's search for WMD has uncovered absolutely nothing. Did Bush have some secret info when he was governor of Texas? Sure he did, it was given to him by his campaign contributors, aka the big oil companies. The oil companies placed a stooge to be elected president and had their oil man Dick Cheney running the show so they could all make more profits at the expense of the American budget deficit and the American soldiers' lives. Paul O'Neill's documents prove it. Paul O'Neill is a hero for coming forward and telling the truth, however I would advise him to get some bodyguards because he might mysteriously disappear or have an accident. It is not that I don't trust the Bush Administration but O'Neill should watch his back just the same...

The former Treasury Secretary described Bush and his cabinet in meetings as a ''blind man in a roomful of deaf people,'' which is a nice way of saying he was a moron being pushed and prodded by his so-called advisers. This verifies everything we have heard. Bush is a simpleton. Cheney runs the show. The oil companies set the agenda. The war was for oil. It is no longer an argument; it is now fact, backed up by O'Neill and his documents. The Bush Administration is the most corrupt administration in the history of the country. With all the facts now out there for everyone to see, it is time for those taken in by the Bush Administration's big lie to admit that they had been fooled and repent. All those flag waving patriots should start by apologizing to the antiwar group who had this administration pegged from the get-go. And if you still believe the WMD and the 'Iraqi people are better off now' propaganda, then I suggest you click here and find yourself some help...

As for me I'm going to sit back and give you a big, fat I TOLD YOU SO....
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