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Old 11-10-04, 03:38 PM   #2
even the losers
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great news Jack, i'll tape it for you if you'd like.

But acknowledging that news standards call for fairness, Mr. Hyman said an invitation has been extended to Mr. Kerry to respond after the documentary is shown. "There are certainly serious allegations that are leveled; we would very much like to get his response," he said.
c'mon Senator Kerry, if these are lies you should have no trouble rebutting them.

"It's hard to take an offer seriously from a group that is hellbent on doing anything to help elect President Bush even if that means violating basic journalism standards," said Chad Clanton, a Kerry spokesman.
Chad didn't have any problems with the journalistic standards of 60 Minutes i'll bet.

Mr. Clanton said Mr. Kerry's campaign would call on supporters to stage advertiser boycotts and demonstrations against Sinclair's stations.

A group of Democratic senators, including Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts and Dianne Feinstein of California, readied a letter calling for the Federal Communications Commission to investigate the move, arguing that the documentary was not news but a prolonged political advertisement from Mr. Bush and, as such, violated fairness rules.
Proving once again that the Democrats can dish it out, but they sure as hell can't take it. Let the bogus moral outrage and whining begin.
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