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Old 16-07-01, 04:10 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

i'd use a hack just to keep my isp from logging my downloads, even IF the content was "free" (i use one now - adaware). there is no way in hell i'd willingly support a system that monitored me and my familly.
christ, it never fails to amaze me how easilly people give up their hard won freedoms and anonymity. also isps would figure out a way in about a minute to penalize big downloaders - they'd offer "discounts" or such to people who keep the d/ls low, thus jacking up the price for everyone else.

que'lle bonehead.

there is no business model that covers this now. we're at a historical shift.

it was a brief technological accident that allowed a troubador to perform once and get paid forever. for all time prior to edison, performances couldn't be stored. to get paid each time you had to perform... each time.

that brief accident is over now.

you can still record if you want, and it may make sense to do it in order to expose people to your work and get them in the door at concerts. artists have done that for years. armstrong said his records were nothing but commercials for his live shows - he hated the record company and his dependence on it.

well now you don't need the record company and that alone makes the internet the artists' best friend.

but to get paid, you'll have to perform...each time.

just like everyone else on the planet.
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