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Old 26-03-04, 02:20 PM   #60
Keebeck Canuck
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What The?

Originally posted by schmooky007
ohhh please.. is that the best you can do love?

i thought we were having an intelligent conversation, not a linking match.. and what's worst is the source.. a neo-nazi site. what i most admire about sharon is the way he always stood up against the arabs. an eye for an eye, give them a taste of their own medicine. see, the arabs are gonna kill jews anyway. if anyone is stupid enough to believe that what's taking place between arabs and israelis is because of so-called "israeli occupation" then they oughta get their head out of their arse (hint: there is NO israeli occupation taking place. israel didn't decide one day to simply march in and occupy the territories. these lands were won during war, a war that the arabs, as a collective, started.) like i said, the arabs will go on with the bloodshed. it's in their genes. they're cannibals. it doesn't matter if there's someone other than sharon in office. even when the leftist doves were running israel and were willing to give land to the arabs in exchange for peace the arabs continued to murder jews.
First and foremost of all, we are talking about the palestinian population here, Not the whole Northen Africa arab population. Second of all, not all arabs are follower of the Koran.Third, what is an arab or arabia?. Forth What actually does constitute an occupation? IMO, any nations who controls the development of another nation is an occupation force. Basically your response for this is

Like I asked you earlier, What makes you think it's a neo-nazi site? If you were to explore it more, you'd discover that The Ariel Sharon Caracter is only a small part if it. Just try and take another look if you dare! you'll discover many more atrocities perpetrated by another type of terrorists And you might not like it a bit.

True, On this one, i'll conceed. The islamist religion is truly against anything that does not represent their religious and political values. Recently read some verses of the koran (only wish to have the book at hand to study it more). To make a long point short, if the quotes i've read on the web are true, The Follower of the Koran must islamised all the non beleivers and if they do not convert, the non beleivers inturn becomes 'the Infidels'. It is a very radical point of view imho. So either you bow to Islam and be 'saved' or you go straight to 'hell' according to the Koran... Now this does remind me of another long time standing religion that is caugh, caugh, now practiced by most of the western countries. Also True that the Koran is devoted to the almost systematic erradication of the Jewish ppl, why is that?

According to some research i've recently done and to quote you again on this

like i said, the arabs will go on with the bloodshed. it's in their genes. they're cannibals. it doesn't matter if there's someone other than sharon in office
Considering that both 3 religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaisim holds the same prophet from the old testament, it's a pretty safe assumption to say that they all sprung from the same source. Christianity came form the Christ (the annointed one). Several Israelites converted to chirstianity after the death of christ...then again later on around 622, Mohammed had already 40 followers??? all of them were mostly semetic.

Arabia is the cradle of Islam and, in all probability, the primitive home of the Semitic race.

So i'd be carefull about the arab genes statement if I were you since they were all arabs in the first place before all that religion shit messed it up... Either it was Christianity, Islamisim or Judaisim, they all share the same original gene pool, like it or not! Do you truly beleive that Jesus was white? Newsflash, either he was an arab or an essinian (still from arab decendence).

Imho, there is no solution about the israel-palestine crises, They will keep destroying eachother until they are no one left of the other faith. It's very true that the Jewish ppl are truly surrounded by a mostly muslim faith that the extremist uses also use as excuses for ethnic clensing, the zionist actually does the same thing ''deep chill in my bones''

The only truly thing i'm arguing here is that the Isralies even though surrounded, does not play it smart! To them, Yassir is truly more powerful dead than he was alive, because of these actions, there will be more bloodshed of isralites and palestinians. It is also true that if the US stop sending money to the state of Israel, they will prolly meet their creator sooner than they expected. It's also a truth that no US weapons should be used to exterminate any palestinians 'rebels' leader. Israel, by using the money the US is sending them to subjugate the palestinian ppl also invites more attacks on the american ppl by terrorists cells.

Just to give you an example on this... My ex boyfriend has a jewish friend that is totally into Sharon's view. The first thing he said about 9/11 was that it must surely have been the 'dirty palestinians' who did it!!! It truly was it's first reaction! I did let it rant all he wanted for the sake of the friendship between him and my ex.

So in this light, we have the old judaisim religion opposed by the newly (600 years later after christ) formed islamist religion.

Both sprang from the same roots... now who is right and who is wrong

Both are wrong, infact any religion who proclaim that if they (you) do not embrace their views, you'll be damned to hell... that's a scary thought.

But to come back on track about out contreversial Ariel Sharon figure, here are some facts... To quote again from the same caugh caugh so labeled neo-nazi site

Sharon was born in Kfar Malal in 1928. At the age of 14, he joined the Haganah, and at 20, headed an infantry company in the Alexandroni Brigade during the 1948 War of Independence, during which the Israeli forces drove an estimated 300,000 Palestinians from their land, using some of the same genocidal methods against unarmed civilian populations that were used in the recent IDF invasion of the Palestinian Authority’s Area A territory.
In 1953, Sharon founded “Unit 101,” a secret death squad within the IDF that committed several mass murders of civilians. In October 1953, Sharon’s “Unit 101” massacred 66 innocent civilians during a cross-border raid into the Jordanian West Bank village of Qibya. Under intense machine-gun fire, local residents were driven into their homes, which were then blown up around them, killing the occupants by burying them alive in piles of rubble. The April 2002 IDF massacre at the Palestinian refugee camp in Jenin was, in fact, modeled on Sharon’s “Unit 101” operations at Qibya.
carried out another horrific war crime: In three separate incidents, Sharon- and Eytan-led units murdered Egyptian prisoners of war, as well as civilian Sudanese workers who had been captured. All told, 273 unarmed prisoners were executed and dumped into mass graves. When the story broke, nearly 40 years later, in the Aug. 16, 1995 London Daily Telegraph, it nearly ruptured Israeli-Egyptian relations. This was less than three months before Sharon would bloody his hands once again, by orchestrating the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. Rabin, in Sharon’s eyes, had committed the mistake of signing a peace treaty with Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat.
Should I go on?

Now if you could come up with some valid numbers of Palestinian killed at the Hand of Sharon vs the Isralies killed at the hands of the palestinians we could begin some serious talk about this horrid matter.

Also imho, It is sad to compare palestinians as terrorists considering that there weapon is they body and life against Israel weapon power provided by the good ole USofA.

No, Yassir was no saint, he was as sick as Ariel Sharon is right now.

This just to tell that the 'Holy war' is far from over if both sides want's to keep anahilates themselves.
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