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Old 10-04-04, 10:11 AM   #43
Keebeck Canuck
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You're getting warmer. In no way am I saying our troops are pussies--I am implying that their hands are tied when maybe they ought not to be. Take that anyway you want to.
Nice to know we have a choice

The whole Falluja shit started when those american soldiers decided to make use of a girl school as their stronghold in the city. By doing so, the army totally insulted (even if they were clueless about it) the population of Falluja. Then protester started to march on the streets and some of em got shot down by the army thus leading to more daily massacre.

The killing of those 4 contractors escalated the violence into new hights because the way it was done reminds me of what happened in Somalia 10 years ago.

If that batallion just had the decency to have appologised to the citizen of Falluja for occupying a girl school and moved elsewhere to established their coumpound, this shit prolly would never happened.

To recap this hold situation

1) american troops enter Falluja, occupy a school, protest occurs because they fell insulted about one of their school being occupied.

2) Because they protest and some of the protesters have weapond, the american shoots at them ank kill 13 of them.

How does ppl think the Falluja citizens will respond in the eyes of such disrespect coming from ''The liberators of Iraq?''

Violence only brings more violence and it's a good thing that their hands are loosly tied.
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