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Old 16-06-08, 12:28 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
atm, the choice for Prez is obvious: Obama wants to end the war in Iraq, McCain wants to continue it indefinitely.

Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
Politicians only talk about the war in order to divide people.

Obama won't end the war, he can't, so he's no different than McCain in that respect.
atm, Its clear that Obamas plan to pull the political wool over the eyes of the ignorant is working. So many people like you knife are falling for the "I want to, therefore I can" bullshit obama is spewing forth every chance he gets. Want in one hand and shit in the other and see which one fills up first.

Fact is what obama wants to do and can do are entirely different. He won't end the Iraq war and can't as Mazer properly pointed out. Even if obama lasts 8 years we will still be in Iraq when his term ends. So go ahead and base your vote decision on your ignorance of presidential limitations and what some inexperienced, unknown politician says he WANTS to do instead of what he actually can do. Obama is counting on people like you to focus on the war, something he can do nothing about, and not on the real issues that ARE going to affect you like his major tax increase he will impose the minute he takes office, something he can and will do.

Not that Im a big McCain fan but he never said he wants the war to continue indefinitely. He said we COULD be there for 100 years, not that he WANTS the war to continue. Not the best choice of words but at least he spoke the truth and reality of the situation in the middle east which is rare for a politician.
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