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Old 19-11-04, 12:40 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by miss_silver
This article has credibility reguardless from the site I took it from. This site is not anti-American, it's anti globalization and anti-war. There are no conspiracy theory there, only good, shoking articles. Must have shoked the hell out of ya for you to label it Junk. I wouldn't dismiss it so quickly, i'd atleast give it a chance for so many reasons. And about the US wanting to secure the oil supply, don't need to take the info out of a conspiracy theory site, just take it out from the US department of energy website.

Propagandists use a variety of propaganda techniques to influence opinions and to avoid the truth.


"the SPR provides the President with a powerful response option should a disruption in commercial oil supplies threaten the U.S. economy."

Wonder what that means? What would be a powerful response option should disruption happen the US oil supply? A war?

Sure War could be one of a thousand ideas they have. But War with who? OH MY GOD!!! Canada is the largest exporter of oil to the USA.....They are going to invade CANADA EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUN

What's wrong with these articles? It happened and was caught on tape.

Fallujah shooting a 'war crime'

U.S. probes shooting at Fallujah mosque
It is easy for you and others sitting in their nice warm chair drinking coffee to call a Young American soldier whos life is at risk every second of the day a War Criminal.


The Facts are there, the city is being leveled, innocents are dying, children lost limbs due to the incessent bombing... And these childrens will grow up HATING americans and spread their hatred upon others, have no doubt.
It is a War, and it seems the terrorist there are doing most of the killing when it comes to the innocents. Grow up hating Americans? Just like in Japan you mean? Nope that never happened, or maybe Germany...hhhmmm nope, How about South again. Well I am sure some did but it never started another War.

You forgot to mentionned that this article is classified under the section, humor.
Nope, I never forgot to mention it. I left it out.

He might still win if the ballots are recounted in Ohio and Florida. Nader and more than half the citizen those states are asking for a recount. Seems they don't like that purple map.
Kerry did concede for a reason. I doubt he conceded because he thought he was going to win.

Atlast, someone is asking the right question, not referring to your's truly. I wouldn't dismiss this so quickly. The NYT wrote an article about the subject, was the WTC really a terrorist act? CNN aired a week ago some footage that can make one question him/herself. Some ppl saw on this footage a building collapse prior the collaps of both WTC. It's on tape.
and some people have seen UFO's land in their backyard and some people have seen BigFoot walking around in the woods.....Their have been many news articles on these events....doesn't make it true.
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

Last edited by Sinner : 19-11-04 at 01:14 PM.
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