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Old 12-06-01, 04:26 PM   #1
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Default Questions For MC

I put this on MC two days ago but they forgot to run it. I put it up a second time today as I really want to hear from them about this but I thought I'd place it here in case they forget again. It will widen the dialog even if they actually do remember to run it...

"I posted this on the tenth but it never made it on the board so I'll do it again:

It's been posted on this board several times and going back to early April that Morpheus is not a pure P2P in that it requires the use of supported (and therefore vulnerable) servers to initialize network contact and log-ons for the users.
Is this true? Is there anything under Morpheus' control that could be used by the courts against this network?

You seem to be implying that the entire system is completely beyond your control now. That this net is "on its own". That everyone and everything is now off limits even to the people that run (don't run?) this network. I find that a bit of a stretch but again, is this true?
Because if there is anything that MusicCity can do to exercise any control at all over this client then THAT is what the courts will use against it should the RIAA succeed.
Of course, there are others methods as well, but the results of a civil suit directed at MusicCity and won by the RIAA would begin with requiring action by MC against Morpheus first.
Only after MC convinces the court that they are powerless to stop file sharing (and the experts agree) will the court order other means explored.

I mention this only because nothing short of action by congress will stop the RIAA and now AMPAS from going after every file sharing system in existence. They are not going to stop suing simply because MC doesn't hold files in a central server. They're not going to stop until the government forces them to stop or until every little p2p scheme is shut down or crippled. Why should they? They perceive P2P a direct threat to their way of life and livelihood.

So MC, are ya ready? That's all we want to know."
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