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Old 05-05-06, 07:04 PM   #70
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by Mazer
The "Destroy Israel" speech is a crowd pleaser in Iran and in some Arab countries too. It's an obvious threat, but whether or not it constitutes real intent by Ahmadinejad to destroy Israel is an other matter. Here are the facts as I see them: Ahmadinejad is a certifiable lunatic, he want's to see Israel wiped off the map, and he doesn't have the ability to do it himself, at least not yet. What we don't actually know is whether he's willing to nuke Israel or if he wants someone else to do it. Since nobody really knows, the best policy is to assume that once he has a nuclear weapon he'll use it against Isreal. The reason Israel hasn't already been wiped off the map is because it takes all threats seriously.
Mazer, you have a good point.

Just wonder if it's truly their intention? Afterall, India got their nukes against pakistan and Pakistan has their nukes against India, has been a while too and even tho they both hate eachother, they never used it. Hell, if I remember right, at first it was only about producing electricity in Iran with enriched Uranium and even Israel was against that in "Fear" that they might build a nuke bomb. Those talks about wiping off Israel off the map came after Israel declared they would bomb their facilities if they went forward with it.

I wouldn't put too much faith in it, Beside the shia and sunnies who are at eachother jugs in Iraq, Iran wouldn't dare to wipe off the palestinian population in the process. If they did so, it would be an automatic ban from La Mecque and each practicing muslim knows it's a lifetime obligation to go there atleast once. If you see palestinians fleeing their land in massive waves, i'd start to take that threat seriously. Beyond that, it's more like, my daddy is stronger than your daddy complex ATM.
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