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Old 12-03-04, 12:27 AM   #8
Japanamation junkie
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Nobody disputes that gays play important roles in society, there's plenty of work for every American to do. If they want to pair up and live together that's fine, I don't really care, and it doesn't diminish their importance in public life.
I have always been of the opinion "just what is so special about being "Gay" that anyone should give a crap about what a "gay" person does in scociety?" It is my personal belief that what you do in life is irrelevant to your social standing as a homosexual, (insert religon of choice), political affiliation, skin color or job title.

I am also of the opinion that Marrage is an almost universally accepted union between a man and woman, not man and man, or woman to woman, and has become seated in most religious doctorins as such. Some might call this hate speach or call me Homophobic but I deny that. If the Homosexuals who want the "stuff the married people get by being married" then a Civil Union contract is already in available in most of the country already, if not all of the country. This will cover the legal issues, I think. If not, then this is what they should push for, I think. Why do some of them feel the need to shove their sexuallity in others faces? I do not go around trying to prove to the world how "straight" I am.

Now for the disclamer, I do have one "gay" friend, he and I have talked about such things in passing, which is how I formed some of my opinions. He says that his partner wants to have the title of married, but only so he can then say he was married, no other real reason that I could discerne. Ron does not want to marry.

You might note that I used quotes where I wrote gay, this is because Gay does not mean Homosexual, the word was hijacked to this defination.

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