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Old 04-08-06, 03:09 PM   #5
Keebeck Canuck
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Originally Posted by Mazer
This makes little difference since it was Hezbollah that detained them, not the government of Lebanon. Maps may still show the reigion just north of Israel as being part of Lebanon, but in reality that reigion is ruled by anarchy, not the government.
There is a major difference between Kidnapped and Captured. The media played the card kidnapped since it sent sympathy toward Israel when they could have been truthful, objective about the situation. By using the word Kidnap, it led the population to believe it was Hezbollah that crossed the border to make them prisonners, if the media would have used the word Capture, the message would have been very different, meaning those 2 birds shouldn't have crossed Lebanon border in the first place, they did it and got Captured.

What puzzles me most is the silence of Israel about this whole situation. How come those 2 soldiers decided to cross the Lebanon border? Who sent them there in the first place? Soldiers follow orders, someone must have told them to cross the border but for what purpuse since Israel knows very well the southern border is Hizbollah & PLO country.

Beside, it's not like Israel never had terrorists organisations. Irgun, Lehi and Haganah are good examples of it and they did do a lot of dammage but strangely enough, we never hear or heard of them unless one google for informations.

The Jewish Resistance Movement

At the end of World War II, when it became clear that the British government had no intention of altering its anti-Zionist policy, the yishuv organized the Jewish Resistance Movement, which was run by the Haganah in cooperation with Etzel and Lehi.

The movement carried out its first operation on October 1945, when a Palmach unit attacked the Atlit internment camp and liberated the 208 “illegal” immigrants held there. In November 1945, the Movement showed its strength by launching a major attack on railroads all over the country and sinking several coastal patrol launches. In the following months, the Movement carried out attacks upon British police posts, coast guard stations, radar installations and air-fields.

In June 1946, the Jewish Resistance Movement blew up the bridges linking Palestine with neighboring states. The British authorities reacted to this attack on June 29, 1946 (“Black Saturday”), by arresting the members of the Jewish Agency Executive. Military forces conducted searches for arms caches in the settlements and thousands of people were arrested. The Jewish Agency ordered a halt in the armed operations against the British, but Etzel and Lehi refused to comply. In July 1946, Etzel blew up the central government offices at the King David Hotel in Jerusalem. 80 people were killed — government officials and civilians, Britons, Jews and Arabs. After this operation, condemned outright by the Jewish Agency and by the Haganah, the Jewish Resistance Movement ceased to exist.
What is mind blowing is what next became of these 3 terrorists group, the quotes comes from the first 3 links

...When the Hebrew Resistance Movement was founded in November 1945, Lehi joined it, along with the Haganah and Etzel. Lehi carried out several operations as part of the movement, the largest of which was the bombing of the Haifa railroad workshops in June 1946, in which 11 Lehi members were killed. After the Hebrew Resistance Movement broke up following Etzel's bombing of the King David Hotel in Jerusalem on July 22, 1946, Lehi continued with its harassment and attrition policy.

In 1947, Lehi decided to concentrate its activities in Jerusalem so as to prevent implementation of the partition plan and internationalization of Jerusalem.

When the IDF was established on May 31, 1948, Lehi was disbanded and its members enlisted in the IDF. Only in Jerusalem did Lehi remain an independent organization, arguing that at the time of the proclamation of independence the city's fate had not yet been determined. On September 17, 1948, Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte, a UN mediator, was assassinated in Jerusalem, and Lehi members were suspected. The government outlawed the organization's branch in Jerusalem and shut down its publication, Hamivrak. The leaders of Lehi, Natan Yellin-Mor and Mattityahu Shmuelevitz, were sentenced to long jail terms by a military court, but were released in a general amnesty.
...At the same time, the Haganah further strengthened its independent basis during the war. A systematic program of training was instituted for the youth of the country. In 1941, the Haganah's first mobilized regiment, the Palmach came into being. At the end of the war, when it became clear that the British government had no intention of altering its anti-Zionist policy, the Haganah began an open, organized struggle against British Mandatory rule in the framework of a unified Jewish Resistance Movement, consisting of Haganah, Irgun Zevai Le'umi - Etzel, and Lohamei Herut Yisrael—Lehi.

Haganah branches were established at Jewish D.P. [displaced person] camps in Europe and Haganah members accompanied the “illegal” immigrant boats. In the spring of 1947, David Ben-Gurion took it upon himself to direct the general policy of the Haganah, especially in preparation for impending Arab attack. On May 26 1948, the Provisional Government of Israel decided to transform the Haganah into the regular army of the State, to be called “Zeva Haganah Le-Yisrael”—The Israel Defense Forces.
The Altalena, purchased by Irgun members abroad, was originally intended to reach Israel on May 15, 1948, loaded with fighters and military equipment. Weapons purchase and organizational matters took longer than expected, however, and the sailing was postponed for several weeks. Meanwhile, on June 1st, an agreement had been signed for the absorption of the Irgun into the IDF and one of the clauses stated that the Irgun had to cease all independent arms acquisition activities. Consequently, representatives of the Israel Government were informed about the ship and its sailing schedule.

By studying history can we learn form our mistake but the IDF soldiers first came from those 3 terrorists groups, their tactic never changed, they are still terrorists more than ever but now we refer to them as the IDF, nifty little trick no, change the name and become honorable but deep down inside, the same terrorist idealogy still remains some 60 years after it's creation.

Does the Hezbollah seems so bad now for wanting to defend itself and their country from the oppressing Isralies like the Irgun, Lehi and Haganah did agains't the british policies & occupation at the time?

I just hate fucking double standards, It's ok for the Jews to have done it in the past but not ok for the Hammas and Hizbollah to do it now?

They are walking a fine line and those 2 IDF soldiers crossed it or are there Israel sacrificial lambs sent for the slaughter to give them an EXCUSE to bomb the shit out of Lebanon?

Pisser, FYI, that first family of 6 that were killed at the beginning of the conflict are from my city. If you would do a bit more reading instead of being spoonfed by the mainstream tv media, you would know that the river Jordan is almost dried up. It is predicted that in 2 years it will be unusable and where will Israel will get their water supply then? They were warned 10 years ago of this imminent water problem but did nothing to solve it. Strangely enough, Lebanon has plenty of fresh drinkable water, do the math.
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