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Old 18-06-02, 12:33 PM   #30
Who's really in control here? Help me...
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 222

Originally posted by Teclis
I can't block all the users who don't share anyfile,cause they could be new!you know?
It sounds like you are going to include partial file downloadling like edonkey. Let me just add that this feature is great for new users because they don't have to have any files to start sharing right away. With partial file downloading the second you start downloading you are sharing the parts you have right away.

With the partial file downloading you might want to include ratio sharing as a reward system. For users who upload at something like 1 up:3 down ratio(the ratio can be debated on) they get higher priority in the que lines for files. No one has to upload at that ratio but for the users that do they get a reward. I believe that creating a reward system that doesn't exclude new users (like Direct Connect does) is one of the better ways to reduce the leeching problem.

Originally posted by Teclis
ībut I will develop a system that they can't block the files they had download at the program! I think thats a good idea!what do you think?
This might not be such a great idea because what if someone downloads a fake file? If they can't unshare it then we'll have a lot of fakes going around.

That leads me to the next problem. If you would be nice if the internal player can preview a file so you'll know if it is a fake or not. It's also a nice feature to know what the quality is for the file you are downloading. Sometimes other users don't give correct descriptions about the file. For example, they may say it's great quality when it really isn't.

It would also be nice if you can have description windows for the files like Kazaa. There is only so much you can write in the filename.
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