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Old 15-10-04, 12:26 PM   #23
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Originally Posted by albed
Yes, how dare Bush worry more about soldiers getting killed and having their arms and legs blown off than helping poor, poor pisser get cheaper gas and have more money in his pocket.
You are basing that assumption that Bush cares about the troops?


He only gives a shit about himself and his political aspirations, dweeb, wake up.

If he really CARES about the troops, why don't they have enough supplies, flak jackets, etc.?? Why do the troops have to have equipment sent in care packages from their relatives??

Why is he halting major offenses until AFTER the election?

Is he afraid of losing votes? That action alone should tell the world that he gives squat about the troops.

Why is their pay so low, compared to the private sector?

You are deluded by the Republican spin machine.

Wake up!
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