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Old 23-11-02, 04:23 PM   #15
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 209

It should Shani, its being built out of fear. Heres a brief history...

The RIAA and other such groups, one day got really really scared. Most of all Britney was scared file traders were stealing her pennies. The RIAA was scaring everyone! So they took on Napster. Eventually napster was tied up in court and they were happy.

On the other side of the globe, Chinese who pirate software by the minute, were scaring Microsoft. Microsoft in turn being scared, started to scare other companies.

Then Hillary Rosen woke up one day and realized file sharing wasn't dead, the RIAA was scared all over again. They in turn looked for comfort from the hollywood. The MPAA was thought of as being a strong body who would come up with something to solve everyones fears. But they weren't. They were scared too, scared of young hackers breaking dvd encryption.

The RIAA and the MPAA huddled in fear together, and went looking to other companies in the technology sector. Eventually there fears were settled, when a cd disc was born that couldn't be copied when played in PC devices.

Microsoft also had found ways to calm its fears, it was called Windows XP with product activation. But before everyone could take a deep breath and say "we conquered our fears" a 13 year old boy scared them all over again, when he drew on one of the Cd's with a felt marker, defeating the safe guard.

At the same time or there abouts, Microsoft got scared when Bill gates realized not only the chinese were still pirating his software but high-school kids right here in america on IRC warez channels.

Everybody is all-scared all over again. Microsoft took its own fears and started scaring other content producers, so more and more companies are getting scared and joining a trustworthy computing initiative. Its a self help group of sorts, similar to what alcoholics use for recovery. Except they deal in helping each other be scared and scaring others.

The RIAA and MPAA also being terrified all over again, met up with microsoft and all the other scared companies, and together they take each others fears and use them to sell each other things. One such hot item is DRM.
Digital Rights Management. MPAA has used it to set up a site where people can go and watch movies over the internet. Thats an example of a scared company scaring another company, and in turn trying to solve their fears.

Except they are still still scared, because the movies on-line site isn't open to Apple or *nix users. Both of who have been scaring microsoft since day one. This time though its hollywood who sacred of these guys as apple isn't making strong efforts to adopt DRM for viewing windows movies over the internet.

Finally one day a scared little voice, a engineer at microsoft spoke up, and said "We need to sell subscription services" and big billy gates said, "Indeed! we will turn users computers into interactive TV's where they pay a subscription and can watch/use the content we control" they call it Palladium.

Now everyone is calming down, from the RIAA to the guy who wants to be sure you pay up front for his crappy software.

Since everyone has been dealing and living in fear so long, all these companies and groups, especially microsoft are experts in fear.

Thats how they will market Palladium to you the consumer. They will scare companies into thinking firewalls are no good and only Palladium is the answer to keep hackers away. They will scare schools into thinking class room computers aren't safe from on-line pornography unless Palladium is protecting the students.

More importantly Bill gates will sleep better at night knowing the good people in china are no longer stealing his pennies.

Not to mention viruses. Wouldn't you rather be protected from viruses then being able to download music for free off the internet?

All the scare-dy cats are hoping so, repeating over and over to each other "We loves our Palladium, Loves our Palladium."

Thats the story of how computers will stop being open gateways for users to create openly on and manage freely, but just as simple as your cable TV and probably just as popular.
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