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Old 12-07-04, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Another 9/11-Style Attack Is Good For Bush

The Bush Administration is hoping for another 9/11-style terror attack. Think not? Then think about the fact that Karl Rove had a DVD showing how Republicans would benefit from having a war. He and Bush against better judgment then sent American troops off to war and now Bush likes to call himself a "War president" although an optional war president might be a more appropriate description of Bush. The reason Rove, Bush, Cheney and their gang wanted a war is simple, in times of war the American public always rallies around their president. A war makes the reelection of Bush that much easier. So now Bush has his war and walks around calling himself a "War president" and every time a Democrat complains about the Bush team's handling of the war, Republicans respond as if the Democrats are criticizing the soldiers. When someone shows dissent for the war, Republicans claim it hurts the soldiers. When Democrats voted against not funding the war without removing tax cuts for the highest tax bracket, Republicans claim they voted against the soldiers. Everything was working according to the Rove/Bush plan except for the little fact that American soldiers were and are dying on a regular basis. Having dead American soldiers on the nightly news kind of puts a kink in the war president's message....

Now back to why the Bush Administration is hoping for another 9/11-style terror attack. When the Supreme Court put Bush in office America was divided and Bush was known for taking long vacations at his Texas ranch and little else. Most voters voted for the other guy Al Gore, remember him? Whether by design or accident he was the man that got the biggest shaft in the history of the Union but Al Gore wasn't the only guy that felt like he got shafted, everyone that voted for him also was major league pissed. The country was divided and then the 9/11 attacks occurred. This brought a divided nation together in morning and shock. After 9/11 no one would or felt it was appropriate to criticize Bush. So if another 9/11-style terror attack occurred, Bush would use the terror attack to mute any criticism. It would be impossible for John Kerry or John Edwards to say anything critical of the Bush Administration without the Republicans countering that it was in appropriate and un-American to criticize the administration in a time of war. So another huge terror attack in this country would insulate Bush from having to talk about his administration's failures, including how his administration failed to prevent the attack and why the country is not safer since the Iraq war. Another terror attack would also remove the Iraq war off of the news pages, another plus for the Bush Administration. Anyone with the slightest bit of knowledge understands that the Iraq war has only inflamed the terrorists hate for the U.S. and made the country even more of a target than it already was but it does one thing more important to Bush than anything else, it helps him get reelected. Could that be the reason the Administration pushed for a war with Iraq? So it would inflame both the Muslim extremists and the American public to be at loggerheads right up to the election. Many people feel it is Bush's war and he should finish it; they may vote for him no matter how bad a job he does...

If 9/11 never happened Bush would never had a chance of being reelected. The guy that has gained the most from 9/11 is Bush; he gained the most from the Iraq war and he'll gain the most from another attack. Ironic isn't it? The guy with the power to prevent another 9/11-style attack actually gains the most from it if it happens. DOH!
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