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Old 25-07-05, 09:05 PM   #20
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the White House press briefings have become a daily game of dodgeball between McClellan and the press corps. the stonewalling on the part of the administration is so complete, the exchanges are hardly worth repeating...except for this:
Q I know that none of you are speaking about this because it's an ongoing investigation. Can you explain why Alberto Gonzales would go on TV yesterday and do that, and talk about it?

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, what he said was already said from this podium back in October of 2003, and I don't think he got into commenting in any substantive way on the discussion. But the President has said that we will be glad to talk about this once the investigation has come to a conclusion, but not until then. And there have certainly been preferences expressed to the White House that we not get into discussing it while it is ongoing.
another excellent and obvious question: how come Attorney General Gonzalez, the highest-ranking law enforcement official in the country, can go on TV yesterday and discuss the case, but the White House can't?
HUME: You were in the White House as counsel at the time that investigation was initiated. Have you been asked to testify in this case?

GONZALES: I was asked to testify. This was over a year ago. I did testify before the grand jury, yes.

HUME: And, can you tell us if you at any time were aware of Valerie Plame, either by name or by identification with Joseph Wilson? Were you aware that she was in the CIA? And did you have — and if you were — did you have any idea what kind of work she was doing?

GONZALES: … I had no information regarding Ms. Plame and her role at the CIA.
McClellan has been stonewalling for weeks, citing "an ongoing investigation" meanwhile the AG is out there on multiple Sunday morning talk shows discussing the case - what's wrong with this picture? could it be because Gonzalez has no worries - his story is straight - while the White House is unwilling or unable to explain who was lying about what?
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