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Old 08-11-04, 09:20 AM   #1
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Lightbulb GOP - God's Official Party...

George W. Bush won the presidency with 59,459,765 votes to John Kerry's 55,949,407 votes and he won the Electoral College on top of it, not because he has proven himself capable of doing anything right but because he was able to get America's religious churchgoers to the polls and vote for him. Regardless of what he and his followers say it was not a mandate, yes he turned Iowa and New Mexico from blue to red states but New Hampshire turned from red to blue. Unlike real mandates from past Republican presidents California, Illinois and New York stayed blue and 55,949,407 people voted for Kerry. What Bush managed to do was appeal to the churchgoers of America on the so-called moral values issues. For Kerry's part I thought he ran a good campaign; he did everything he could possibly do. He threw back the phony swift boat allegations, had the military resume and looked presidential. As much as I like Howard Dean, if he would have been the candidate the Republican smear campaign would have eaten him up and spit him out. Dean only got religion on the campaign trail and had no military experience. John Kerry did everything right he didn't lose because of mistakes he lost because Bush used his religion to appeal to the religious and the Republicans in a brilliant strategy put propositions on important state ballots defining marriage between a man and a woman. This brought out the vote; it gave a reason for people to get to the polls and it put Democrats and John Kerry in the position of having to defend gays. We all know of the Log Cabin Republicans, so how exactly did the Democrats become the party of gays? Homosexuality is frowned upon in the Bible and whenever you start messing with the Bible you are going to lose. The churchgoers don't like abortion and don't like homosexuality so when the Republicans make those the issues it doesn't matter how bad their candidate is, they'll win every time. If the Democrats don't want to be perpetual losers, they have to stop defending gay rights, it is literally a no win proposition in the red states. However the Democrats' problems don't stop with abortion and gay rights on the contrary it is only the beginning of a much larger problem. Many churchgoers see the Republicans as the party of moral values and see the Democrats as the party of Hollywood elites. Those churchgoers that are tired of the sex on both television and in the movies and its influence on society have fought back at the polls. They have elected a devoutly religious president and an equally religious Republican Party to control Congress. The silent majority is no longer silent, they are loud and in control of the country. As my father always says, "Cheer up, the worst is yet to come," and it is...

Things aren't going to change anytime soon; the Republicans see a winning strategy and will use it in the next presidential election in 2008. It's religion, stupid! The only way Republicans can keep winning the White House and Congress is to make religion the issue. That gets their constituency into the voting booth. If you want to know what the issue will be in 2008 all you have to do is look in the news today...

The Grantsburg, Wisconsin school board has revised its science curriculum to allow the teaching of creationism. Those against teaching creationism are the so-called elitist intellectuals; those for teaching it are the religious churchgoers that claim moral values. It is the classic religion versus science fight that has been around for as long as there has been science. So come 2008 the Republicans will put propositions on important state ballots mandating the teaching of creationism in public schools. The Democrats will come out against teaching creationism with the Republicans in favor of teaching creationism and smear Democrats as working against God and you guessed it the religious church goers will flock to the polls and elect another Republican president (Jeb Bush) and a Republican Congress in the name of God...

The Bible Belt has expanded from the South all the way to the Dakotas and the Republicans are ready and willing to take advantage of this religious block of voters. The GOP now stands for God's Official Party and the Democrats might as well nominate Satan as their presidential candidate because when you run against God in America you lose every time. The Republican Party is America's Hizballah (Party of God), some might argue that one is an organization that uses terror for political gain and the other a legitimate organization, I'll let you decide which is which, that said, the GOP now have a winning formula, It's religion, Stupid!!!
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