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Old 05-03-05, 05:55 PM   #11
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my two cents, for what it's worth...

with respect to dd (my favorite conservative ) & drak, i don't buy the theory that it's all a sinister plot to make us dependent on government - that's talk-radio code rap for "Dems are evil and here's why...". as pod points out, SS works. it does what it is supposed to do.

the marketing campaign to sell us this idea has an all-too-familiar ring to it: the Prez makes dubious claims of doom and gloom, based on debatable data, using worst case scenarios, to sow fear among the population. it's like deja vu all over again.... and after Iraq and the prescription drug bill, the President simply is not believable.

but the bigger question is why now? why is a problem that is arguably decades away suddeny top priority for the administration? could it be that the prospect of raising payroll taxes next year, as i believe this plan calls for, is primarily important for the short term goal of increasing revenue to offset the deficit that has exploded under Bush?

the administration is, as always, driven by political expediency, for the interests of thier big donors and core constituencies. it truly strains credibility to believe that Bush is only motivated by a desire to improve my life 25 years from now.
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