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Old 31-10-05, 12:22 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by daddydirt
Bush Derangement Syndrome: the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.

-Charles Krauthammer
since the prez only appears in carefully scripted stage events and manufactured photo opportunites, with fake props and prepped, prescreened audiences, one could conclude George W. Bush really doesn't exist at all - he's just a production of the GOP's rather stale imagination. the fun part is that, as the Bush administration continues to rack up failure after specatacular failure, apologists like Krauthammer are left sitting further and further out on a very flimsy limb.
Originally Posted by Repo
Scooter covered up his trail of slander against the CIA agent and her husband and in doing so broke the law. The question remains if Bush and Cheney knew what Scooter was doing and if so when did they know it? When the time comes to abide by the rule of law will the Republican Congress impeach a president and his vice president that sent American soldiers off to die in a war that was nothing more than a boondoggle?
as this indictment continues to get parsed, it's apparent that Cheney not only knew about the campaign to smear Wilson - he instigated it:
On or about June 12, 2003, LIBBY was advised by the Vice President of the United States that Wilson's wife worked at the Central Intelligence Agency in the Counterproliferation Divison. LIBBY understood that the Vice President had learned this information from the CIA - pg 5 of the Libby indictment
now, there's no crime in 2 government officials with security clearance discussing this....until the subordinate of the two spends the next week calling reporters to relay this classified info. not for nothing is Libby referred to as "Cheney's Cheney".

Fitzgerald was pretty clear in his press conference - the indictments stopped with Libby only because Libby's obfuscation of the facts made further determination of criminal liability impossible:
"And what we have when someone charges obstruction of justice, the umpire gets sand thrown in his eyes. He's trying to figure what happened and somebody blocked their view. As you sit here now, if you're asking me what his motives were, I can't tell you; we haven't charged it. So what you were saying is the harm in an obstruction investigation is it prevents us from making the fine judgments we want to make."- Fitzgerald press conference, 10/28/05.
when the weight of a multi-million dollar legal bill and the prospect of serious jail time begin bear down on Libby, Cheney might want to start worrying about his memory making a dramatic improvement. none of this could have happened without Cheney's ok.
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