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Old 25-06-02, 05:08 AM   #15
Waiting For The Night To Fall...
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Default The Java vs. .NET debate - My 2 cents

I personally couldn't be happier about AYB deciding to code FURIAA in Java instead of using the .NET framework.
Here are some of my reasons:
  • Java is a proven cross-platform language, the Java Development Kit (JDK) has undergone refinements and is now in version 1.4. Is it being used by well-known companies to build enterprise-ready applications. On the other hand, is .NET even a finished product?
  • The Java Runtime Environment is easily installed and removed. Can you say the same for .NET?
  • Java can be used to create OK-looking GUIs. Admittedly, the effort involved is greater than using .NET - at least that's what I would suspect. And the Java GUIs often tend to react sluggishly.
  • Applications written using .NET will surely have better performance when it comes to the GUI because of a tighter coupling with the underlying OS. But I doubt that there is much difference between Java and .NET when it comes to networking. And that is something I'd be more concerned about at this stage of development.
For the reasons listed above, I personally would be extremely hesitent to install FURIAA, if it were written using .NET. But I have no problem with Java. To me, Java is a proven technology I know and (for the most part) trust. .NET has not yet shown me that it can back up all the hype surrounding it.

Will you be using the most recent version of the JDK (1.4)? Be sure to check out the new networking capabilities (e.g. non-blocking socket I/O) to get the best performance out of the Java app.

@Merijn and BuzzB2K:
Wouldn't you want/have to install the 'official' Sun JDK or JRE in any case? Microsoft is known to try to screw up and undermine the Java standards set by Sun and go their own ways. And I doubt that WinXP comes with a recent version of the JRE that would be able to run FURIAA.

Hope I didn't offend any Microsoft supporters. Everything is IMHO of course, so go ahead, flame me , see if I care .

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