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Old 18-04-04, 11:55 AM   #40
Keebeck Canuck
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Arrow Re: Re: oups

Originally posted by Squid
you're not crazy, just stupid. it annoys me to no end that people like you think they have a clue about what happened on 9/11 (or any important date) "keep wagging the dog" lol get a fucking clue. it seems to me that you're the dog that's wagging.
Do you, have a clue as to what happened on 9/11? Not disputing what was seen on tapes about WTC crashes. Just have some serious doubts about the pentagon plane crash. You sait it, ppl like me, not alone here. I look at pictures of what happened, search information on the net of what might have happened on this date, drew some conclusions and didn't gobble up CNN news as it was the god givin truth.

if i showed you a video tape of osama killing your mother would you still think it's fake?
Isn't it a bit of an overreach, osama killing my mother? Don't know about you but i'm not into snuff movies.

you make what happened at the pentagon (i noticed how you spelled it and it offended me greatly, people died there and you trivialize it.) if you really believe the things you type it's quite possible you are my enemy.
Hey, english is a second language to a lot of ppl posting on this board, would you shit on every on then because they mispelled some american icon? In french it's spelled pentagone because of the building shape. You seem to be the only one to be disturbed by a misspell which didn't even knew i was making. My deepest apologies for english being a second language I had to learn verbally aswell as reading and writing it and sometimes mispelling it. I do not trivialise the lives that were lost in the attack and to tell you the truth, still shocked that those towers fell to terrorist attack. I don't want to be no ones enemy but if my opinions shock you, don't read them. Things tend to heat up on any political bb's, even saw some where ppl were wishing death or harm on other users because of their point of views or opinions.

the lack of respect in this thread for the murdered people in the pentagon is appalling. shame on you.
Just out of the blue, can you eat your breakfast in the morning while hearing on the news that 100 women and children met a violent and bloody death at the end of a machetti somewhere in africa? I can't. If you truly think that talking about other theories as to might what have happened to the pentagon is a lack of respect to the ppl who died on this day, then you might have to justify the disrespect of the american army toward the iraqui population. How many innocent died because of 'friendly fire' ? Each time I open the tv in the morning, day after day I see 10 iraquian killed, another day it's 13, on another day it 5 and another day it... Reminds me of a song by Genesis, Blood on the rooftop.
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