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Old 06-06-02, 04:10 AM   #29
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Warning, possible greed coming up

Open source is a bit of a tricky issue. We definately support the notion of open source and are referring to quite a lot of open source code in our development but at the same time we are hoping to get some kind of financial reward out of this app, and we just aren't sure what effect, if any, making it open source would have on this.

Let me immediately clarify about making money. We will NOT have ANY spyware, crapware etc. The program will not have built in ads. The program will be completely freeware, there will be no "pro" version you have to pay $30 for. Every single way we have of making money will be completely opt in, and we're relying on the fact that producing a quality app will make ppl want to give us something back in return. Firstly we'll accept donations via PayPal. Secondly we'll participate in a number of affiliate programs, with ppl like When you want to buy a book (or dvd or whatever else amazon are now selling ) and at the same time give us a little something in return, you simply click on the link to on our webpage. You get what you want with albeit a little bit of fuss, but without actually paying anything extra you've given us a reward. Thirdly we will have all kinds of quality merchandise, like tshirts and mugs We're hoping those will take off, particularly with our name they should be popular with music fans. (All in good time). And finally on the website we will probably have a page of the site dedicated to some banner ad programs, which you can click on if you have a few seconds to spare and the inclination to do so. Once again, completely opt in and you're not actually giving us anything aside from a little bit of your time And the ads will be monitored and we will NOT have any popups.

If anyone is completely galled by this, or even slightly disgusted do let me know. We're trying very much to maintain a balance between not being greedy and seeking some (justified) reward for our coding time.

Having said all of this, if the legal side of things looks like there is any chance of us being shut down, the source code shall be released immediately.

multi inter user face: 56k users are very important to us. We imagine with all of our possible options enabled, the app will be VERY bandwith heavy. (Although there will be a HUGE number of customisation options to provide a range of performance. At the same time we don't want ppl to be completely baffled so there will be a "simple" mode which handles everything behind the scenes, with an "advanced" mode for all manner of tweaking) We will definately need dialup users in testing to help us gauge what kind of settings they can cope with. And we're aware that dialup is still a significant section of the internet community so we don't want to make our app "broadband only"
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