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Old 19-04-02, 06:30 PM   #38
butterfly_kisses's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 138

Hello, Jack Spratts and TG (Tankgirl) I appreciate the warm welcome from both of you I must admit your board is excellent and does indeed FAR EXCEED mine. lol, (i)putting my jealousy(/i) aside (that your board looks better than mine)
I wanted to say that I feel very fortunate to have found your site especially the peer2peer forums...everybody has their favourite area so I guess this would be mine.
It's very nice to see thoughtful and intelligent people posting as you both do and so many others who visit and join these boards.
A little about me: I was introduced to the world of filesharing (post Naptster) It was through KaZaA that I first learned what it is and what it was capable of . Filesharing is not crime in my way of thinking it is merely a tool much like an automobile ...right now for me Fasttrack is simply a major highway and Grokster/KaZaLite/KaZaA are simply different "models" for the vehicle that i use to get to my destination (what i want e.g., "files" whatever those files maybe "shareware" freeware, etc.)
It took me a while to fully grasp the concept of sharing and after I caught onto it I loved the concept and I loved the ease of use and simplicity of the original KaZaA (1.32)

However (i say Greed...because really if it was you or me who invented either Napster of KaZaA wouldn't we want to make money off of our idea too? I know that I would and I hope that doesn't make me a bad person)

Nevertheless it was the original PhP based KaZaA messageboards that really cemented me on the concept of filesharing clients...The messageboard felt like a "community" and it for a long time it was like home to that I dearly missed when it was taken away...hence KaZaLite forums were born! Me and a friend of mine who goes by the name "Mitnick" founded these forums and co-moderate them.

I don't want to be too wordy at this time other than to say I'm glad I found your site and I do hope some of you will visit as I will keep an eye open here as well for new and exciting discussions..

My favourites of course will be those centered around KaZaA and how to make it better. Your suggestions Tank Girl were very good I shall consider them...i hate to give away too much because it will be quite some time before my client is ready for a betatest but I'm working on yes yet another FastTrack based program similiar to KaZaLite but which will contain my own unique style/twist and flavor with it so to speak.

I could probaly use people whom are familiar with networking and packet structure, API programming, visual basic, some cracking/hacking knowledge would be good.

My old vision for this client was to have it contain all the codecs necessary to view movies like SMR patch, Intel codecs, Angelpotion, DivX5 and one other codinstal.exe (can't remember the more familiar name)

I was gonna keep the same interface as the current KaZaA client only getting rid of the bde and if i can removing the or unintegrating the cydoor so that even a hacked dll would not be light of this discussion there appears to be much more work needed...i also wanted to do away with the windows media player being incoporated into the program (that needs to go it rarely functions anway)

I apologise for my long speech...usually if its long it doesn't get read and who is to say if its worth reading anyway.

Take care all.

Until, the next time

-Harbynger : )
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