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Old 12-04-07, 08:54 AM   #22
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The Left Continues Its Celebration of the Murder of American Troops

It's The Only Way They'll Win

Let's not mince words. The left celebrates every death of every American soldier in Iraq. Let me just repeat it so that it sinks in. The left celebrates every death of every American soldier in Iraq. They are a means to an end. The means is incitement through propaganda. The end is the repudiation of President Bush and the military -- the two institutions in this country the left hates.

The left celebrates every death of every American solider in Iraq. In 2006, the Democrats saw nothing wrong with using dead soldiers to raise money. Today, the left is showing the murder of American soldiers to provoke outrage against Senator Mitch McConnell in Kentucky.

The left is using the murder of American troops for political purposes. Why? Because provoking outrage over the death of American troops is the only way to stir sentiment that we must not complete the ongoing surge. The left cannot abide us completing the surge because the surge is working.

Militant groups are abandoning their positions. Security tips have jumped sharply. Even Brian Williams of NBC has noticed "that 'the war has changed.'"

We have escalated the destruction of Al Qaeda. Shops are beginning to reopen. Oh, and the body count stories in the New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times, and news networks have dropped off the front page in favor of the U.S. Attorney scandal because there is less to report.

The surge is having a meaningful impact. The left's policy of retreat is about to be proven foolhardy. So, like terrorists blowing up car bombs in front of the American media to attract attention to their cause in Baghdad, the left is having to show troops blown to bits in Iraq to the American people to attract attention to their cause and detract attention from the fact that the deaths of those soldiers have not been in vain.

The left celebrates every death of every American soldier in Iraq because it is the only effective means they have to distract the public from the tangible signs that those same soldiers are having a meaningful impact in winning the war -- a victory the left cannot abide.
Since we don't have a quote thread - I will post it here

"It is the soldier,not the priest, who protects freedom of religion; the soldier,not the journalist, who protects freedom of speech. History teaches that a society that does not value it's warriors will be replaced by a society that does." -- Jack Kelley
The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

Last edited by Sinner : 12-04-07 at 09:04 AM.
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