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Old 11-12-01, 08:28 PM   #4
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by oscar
I didn't realize audiognome came out with a new version. I've been using v 104 for a while now and it's been working just fine. I'll check it out and see what the changes on the new version are.

FileNavigator...I haven't used that since Music City ran off that platform.. I'll have to check that one out too.

No, I don't get rid of those old apps either In fact, once in a while, I'll fire up Napster and use it with napigator.

Hee Hee It's funny how many people I see around opennap still using the Napster client. The straight forward easy to use interface of the client keeps it going.

Version 104 of AG well you only missed about 4 updates.... maybe more? New updates have added several nice options as with PNN enhancements. Library screen is still the best of any client imho. Newer versions are a little resource hungry but still worth the update.

Filenav has very quietly building up it's P2P opennap connections are a must for good results right now. If Kazaa goes sour watch this one grow very fast!!

Another thing is alot of people think opennap is dead! Opennap has been on a steady climb for the past 6 months. Several large offshore networks have come up. Now just three connections will get you close to 30,000 users. I've had as many as 50,000 users with just 10 connections. That # out does many smaller P2P networks alone, and opennaps total estimated user base is neck and neck with Kazza/and clones according to
Opennaps vulnerability to the RIAA has also come into question. The network is now so scattered and broke up in so many countries its hard to pick a target to focus on. Many servers also do not run 24/7 so finding them is a bit of luck for the RIAA.
Then you have the concept of opennap "FREE" While Kazaa/WinMX etc are great for the selection and userbase there was never any doubt about their intentions. Napster wannabee's "build it..... they will come..... then charge their butt a fee" You know that is where alomost every P2P network is going and if you think not your a fool. But hey if it's here for free use it right? Then laugh when everyone leaves for another free service
But in the end I have a feeling opennap may come on real strong after the big ones fall or charge.
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