Thread: Hate The RIAA?
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Old 02-12-01, 10:02 AM   #9
just one of the gang...
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very interesting and informative thread, all!!!!!

i said it before and jack has just said it again, only this time, the pudding has been "prooven"!

i haven't listened to JPB's speech yet, tg, but i will. the quotes u have listed have already got my mind spinning, yet again about the real issues concerning copy-proof cd's and the DMCA.

it is almost comical, to just sit back and watch the going's on, knowing full well, that it will all just crumble before the world's eyes.

will they ever wake up and realize that they really need to rethink the future, not in stopping this future, but how they are going to incorporate themselves into it?

my philosophy has always been, "there is a way to make everyone happy, here!"

of course, u know U ALL ROCK!

"rock on, all"

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