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Old 12-04-01, 06:56 AM   #18
Metal Girl
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When this thread first came up i couldn't really think of any one song inparticular that I could say I felt had truly ingenius lyrics to it...Aside from the obvious Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven that is....

Then last night I was going through my CD's, and feeling pretty down, when I spotted an old album of mine that I bought way back when I was 16 years old....As it turns out, the day I bought it was the last day I ever saw my mother alive...I never got a chance to play the record until a few weeks after the funeral when things had started to settle down, school had started back up and I was trying to get myself into some sorta normal routine.

I took the wrapping off, placed it on my turntable and set needle to vinyl...For the next hour I cried like I had not been able to do before, like a baby...Actually that record set me back somewhat if truth be told...

It was called Spanish Train & Other Stories' by Chris DeBurgh...The title track, Spanish Train, is a harrowing tale of the fight between Good and Evil, played out by the Devil and the Lord, at the deathbed of the railway man who drove that train, for the souls of, at first, the entire train they are on, but then turns into a battle for the souls of hundreds of thousands of people.

It's the best songwriting (lyrically) I could ever think of even if I had the rest of my life to think about it....You don't even need to hear the music, the lyrics read as pure poetry and are by far the most ingenuis lyrics I have ever come across.

I was shocked to learn a while back that many had never even heard of this album...So to anyone reading this who has yet to hear this song, I can't stress strongly enough how moving a song it is and I reccomend everyone hear this song at least once.

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