Thread: Hate The RIAA?
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Old 29-11-01, 03:45 AM   #7
Madame Comrade
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Originally posted by Mazer
Is redbook audio really required by a CD license?
This is an interesting question, perhaps Copyright Queen might be able to answer it. When searching information on the subject I came across this story by The Standard worth checking:

Record labels plan copy-proof CDs in post-Napster age

Although the specific details of the copy-protection schemes are closely guarded, in broad terms the technology exploits the difference between the standard used by consumer CD players, known as RedBook, and the standards used for CD drives in personal computers, known as YellowBook and OrangeBook.
Perhaps the key question from the consumer point of view is: am I able to play a CD I have purchased on all my CD players? For an increasing number of people their main home audio device is their computer and as the recent events around Natalie Imbuglia's album show the record companies cannot afford pushing CDs that don't play in all devices. The best they can try is to prevent direct digital copying but even that sounds like a doomed experiment to me. Whatever ingenious tricks they apply to fool the computer CD drives to consider the data on music CDs to be invalid for copying, it takes just one round in the analog domain to make the audio signal fully usable in the digital domain again. Even if 99 % of mp3 collectors would be too lazy to rip that way, the remaining 1 % will see that the 'protected' material will be available in the p2p networks anyway.

- tg
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