Thread: Hate The RIAA?
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Old 27-11-01, 07:19 PM   #2
Madame Comrade
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I hadn't visited the site for a while but was glad to have a fresh look at it. The main editorial story provides up-to-date information about the recent copy-prevention tamperings on CDs and is rather spirited as well. So allow me to quote it here... - tg

Consumers cause Virgin Retail (UK) to Call BMG on the Carpet

Consumer reaction to the new Natalie Imbuglia CD, White Lilies Island which uses copy protection provided by Midbar has caused the Virgin Retail Stores in the UK to contact BMG with concerns about the playability of the CD. As a result BMG has set up a hotline number in the UK so users can call and get an unprotected CD. It's being reported on the Natalie Imbruglia website bulletin board by fans, in the media and even on Slashdot. The campaign was organized by Eurorights UK to educate the retailers and the buying publick about the problems that copy protected CDs cause for those wishing to use the CD in other places other than a standalone home cd player. People are reporting problems with playing it on DVD/CD players, Car CD players, not to mention computer systems.

I'm sorry BMG and Natalie, but I didn't play for a Soundblaster Live Platinum to listen to streaming 32bit RealAudio. My particular setup is connected to a Aiwa Surround Sound with Dolby Digital, with 5 speakers, an an equalizer. I spend 12 to 14 hours per day sitting in front of the computer. When you introduce errors into the CD you are 1) not providing REDBOOK audio as required by the CD License 2) Pissing off your customers. You know those people who do buy the CD. Are you that committed to killing sales just to prove a point? Perhaps we should pool our money and buy them A CLUE for Christmas.

I've said it before and I will say it again. File Sharing helps CD Sales not hinder. I've discovered new music, not only from independents, but from lesser known major label artists, who you don't spend a cent on to promote. This is not about protecting the artists, not even about the money. It's about control of our culture and heritage being locked up where only a select few can access it. This will have grievous effect on the future generation of creators who can not pull from the public domain. I invite you to listen to John Perry Barlow's Speech at the Cato Institute on November 15th. He talks about faith, kind of a Paying it Forward for not only music, but all media. He talks about Civil Disobedience in the Digital age and its long term effects. Regardless if you understand the issues or not, you need to listen to this, it will provide a greater understanding of the implications of copyright extension, of DMCA with a well reasoned presentation.
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