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Old 21-11-01, 11:39 PM   #2
Posts: n/a

Yeah the RIAA itself did something like this awhile ago. I can't remember the specifics but they offered $10,000? or so to the person or group which could crack their future copyprotection. Needless to say once the $ was offered it did not take long and a group of students and professor form a U.S. college ended up cracking it. Threats of lawsuits followed because the school refused the reward and wanted to publish the code as well speak at future seminars etc. It all fizzled out in the end.

If it can be written it can be cracked is rule #1

Funny thing is when making copying games/etc. nowdays a crack is not really needed. All you have to do is be able to read the protection on the CD and the entire contents are saved as a image and written in 1:1. End result is two perfectly protected CD's. The only obsticle here is a compatible CD writer that will allow the writting of the protection which is usually nothing more that errors created to confuse a burner.
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