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Old 16-10-01, 09:41 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by JackSpratts
what, are you kidding? if you're playing background music all day - and you would if you had easy storage and retreival (no cueing, no commercials, no interuptions) - you can listen to 2000 songs a month.

that's about how many wav files each disc holds.

as mp3s@128 you'd have a years supply almost, or nearly "every" good rock, pop, country, classical, jazz, blues song per disc (or any genre). more than likely as people become acclimated to the concept, especially kids down the road, these discs would begin to hold exclusively the types of music that resonate deeply w/each listener, focusing our whole relationship with recorded music, making it much more intimate than it already is.

you'd love it, and still want more.

- js

I was referring to actively listening to stuff...not background music.

If I want background music to match my mood, I'll turn on a radio.

(Classic FM is my current fave)
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