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Old 15-10-01, 02:22 PM   #3
Madame Comrade
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Wink Re: The Newspaper Shop -- Monday edition

Thanks for the first copy of an excellent issue, Mr. WT!

DOJ expands online music probe
The Justice Department widened its antitrust investigation of the online music business, sending civil subpoenas across the industry that focused on alleged use of copyright rules and licensing practices to control distribution. The subpoenas, formally known as civil investigative demands, were issued late last week and disclose a broad federal investigation into "anticompetitive licensing of intellectual property rights associated with provision of music over the Internet." The probe encompasses the two new online-music ventures backed by the industry's five major recording labels. The subpoenas demand documents on terms and conditions in Internet music licensing and the setting of rates in the emerging online-music market, and investigators seem to be trying to pinpoint whether any illegal coordination took place among record labels.
Hmmm... could the hand of justice touch the music biz after all?

The Electronic Paper Chase
It offers excellent resolution and high contrast under a wide range of viewing angles, requires no external power to retain its image, weighs little, costs less and is remarkably flexible (literally and figuratively) -- unlike today's computer displays. No wonder traditional ink on paper continues to flourish in a digital world that was expected to all but do away with it. Yet ink on paper is lacking in one of the essential traits of computer displays: instantaneous erasure and reuse, millions of times without wearing out. Electronic ink on paper with this ability could usher in an era of store signs and billboards that could be updated without pulping acres of trees; of e-books that embody the familiar tactile interface of traditional books; of magazines and newspapers delivered wirelessly to thin, flexible page displays, convenient for reading, whether on crowded subways or desert islands.
This is very interesting technology... holding great ecological promises and exciting new technological possibilities...

- tg
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