Thread: Scratchware
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Old 01-09-01, 12:13 AM   #3
Posts: n/a

I don't think they're aiming for the store shelves, I think they want to beam the games directly to people's hard drives across the net. I mean if you can make a new game every two or three weeks then it would be a waste to put the game on a shelf. I do like the idea, I think that it can fill a hole that people have been trying to fill. The first part of the manifesto showed just how much of a need there is for this kind of thing and the third part didn't leave me with any questions about how it works. They wrote a good outline but they fell short of describing a business model. I think they spent too much saying how bad the corporate model is that they didn't have anything left to say how good the scratchware model is. And their most compelling point was that marketers have been making games instead of programmers, authors and graphic artists; the industry has it all backwards and they're stifling creativity. So, even if the manifesto isn't all it could be I still get what they're trying to say and I agree with them.
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