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Old 15-08-01, 05:26 PM   #3
Posts: n/a

My messenger of choice is currently MSN. Basically, as far as both ICQ 2000a and 2000b goes, they are massively overpopulated with features and run incredibly slowly. I open up a message window and there are buttons and junk everywhere!

Basically, before I will ever consider using ICQ as my main messenger, it must be fast, populated with useful features and not silly ones (Who on earth invites someone for a game of Freecell via ICQ FFS?) and not confusing to look at. The default installation for ICQ 2000b has no fewer than about 27 icons on the main window. For a simple instant messaging program, this is information overload and it sucks.

MSNs beauty is that it is fast, simple yet functional. You can chat with multiple people, send files, save convos, have different online modes yet the program looks neat and tidy and organised. the only downside with MSN is it isn't as reliable, although I personally haven't had any problems with MSN since about 2 months ago when one of their servers died.

I'll try out 2001 alpha and see what I think. But it needs to have been majorly re-optimised and pruned if it is ever going to take over MSN as far as simple useability goes.

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