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Old 07-08-01, 03:16 PM   #4
Posts: n/a


The problem is most likely either the setup of soundforge or your PC setup. I can record audio perfectly with a P233, 64MB RAM PC using Cool Edit Pro 1.2.

I could say why I think these skips are occuring, but I had just typed a long jumbly message, and then my PC crashed and I lost it, so I'll be a bit more brief this time cos I can't be bothered to type it all again

What I would try, is to record the songs using bog standard, no frills "Windows Sound Recorder". It is a simple WAV recorder and should get the file in without any stutterings. After it is in, you can save it, then open it in SoundForge to remove the silence from the beginning/end, and/or amplify it as needed.

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