Thread: Several things
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Old 27-07-01, 08:08 PM   #8
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by WizzOzz
I downloaded this file and it seems to be a normal server.dat file. How this thing can block your inet connections is beyond my understanding, not to say I think its nearly impossible.

I installed it and will play around with it the next time.
There doesnt seem to be much more servers like after a fresh download of an napigator list, though.
One big difference seems to be that the creator of the list moved a lot of servers to the high capacity zone. Due to the fact that I never had more than 3 servers in this region (and this should be normal) its possible that winmx has a hidden bug which crashes the program if you have a lot of server in this zone. Only a guess.

Jack, did you tried to ping/trace the servers you cant connect after this trippy incident? If so, what was the result? You also didnt install something which can alter your connection like a firewall, spyware, download accelerators or such things?
No change with your isp, too I guess.

Do the server not connect or are you unable to log in?


Btw, I cant remember last time I downloaded from a server
it's not a question of not being able to connect, the servers have vanished, all of them. nothing appears on the server page except wpnp. the servers are simply...gone. the two headers are there, "opennap high" and "opennap low", but nothing is below either of them. click "add" and the bars will jump but nothing appears. there were no programs added or changed prior to or immediately after the installation of tm. my isp remains unchanged.

at least wpnp is normal which does most of the winmx heavy lifting, so i'm cautious about changing anything now because if that goes down then winmx is down for good.

for whatever reasons it still has a huge edge over morpheus in returns. even in wpnp only mode. american iron...

- js.
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