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Old 26-07-01, 12:02 AM   #20
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I never really used Napster except for a brief trial period before all the controversy started. When the lawsuit was filed, I stopped using it and became a Napster opponent out of respect for the bands I admire. And because I saw it as a threat to my own musical interests.

But I later changed my mind and I don't see file sharing as a threat to musicians... perhaps to record labels, but I don't really care about them. I have since used audiogalaxy to download a conservative number of songs, and I bought at least a couple of CDs as a result. I have never burned MP3s to CDR as I find the quality of most MP3s to be too poor to waste a disk on.

PS: I know I have never posted to the P2P forum before... but I figgured, what the hell.
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