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Old 01-07-01, 09:32 AM   #1
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by Tom9504

Silly... you can set up a batch file easy to open IE with the Morpheus_Hotlist.html file after the program finishes, and when you get to the files you have to use right click, Save Target As... not just click, as that tells IE to open the file instead of downloading.


good idea. he should have put those instructions in the program.


I think that's really unfair, people bitching just because they don't know enough about Windows, DOS and IE to make his neat little program work properly - to be honest, it's more an idea than a program, as it's not that much harder to just do it with a DOS prompt (use Netstat) and then put 'IP addy:1214' (1214 is the Morpheus port) into an IE window... same result. However, no-one else ever thought of doing this so he deserves a lot of credit.

actually, the netstat suggestion is all over the mc boards. i've posted at least a half dozen netsat 1214 instructions myself ("netstat 4 -an" works well). but most morpheus users (99.9%) find it overly complicated and i don't blame them. it is.

it goes back to an old and basic disagreement about computers in general. are they tools that allow us to work or are they the work themselves? obviously, they are both but most people don't want that. they want the box to do the work. including me.
there is some very strange thinking at play here. they're the only machines i can think of that you turn off by pressing start.
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