Thread: Gnucleus
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Old 24-06-01, 01:12 AM   #1
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it appears for now that gnucleus is the best gnutella client. i use it; but rarely do i bother looking for mp3s with it. i just serve with it; and occasionally will luck out and find an app i need with it. gnutella is like fishing by throwing out a net; you end of with a lot of shit; occasionally finding what you need or something you didn't even know was around; but never really finding exactly what you were looking for.

i've heard gnucleus doesn't work well for non-broadband folk; but i'm very happy with many of the features; especially running in the systray. upon it's release i was able to immediately take bearshare off my system, which was nice.

i like serving on a system that's not going to eventually try to make money off my generosity of my bandwidth and files (*cough* morpheus and winmx *cough*).
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