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Old 12-11-17, 03:49 AM   #12
My eyes are now open.
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Originally Posted by Mazer View Post
It's a cultural thing, I guess. As hard as it is for you to get American gun culture, I find I cannot in the slightest wrap my head around this: YouTube: 11 British police officers versus 1 guy with a knife. I get that putting a gun in a cop's hand is the equivalent of putting the power over life itself in his hand and the British people don't want that, but give the cops something. I mean, a guard dog's bark is only as assertive as the bite it threatens, and no matter how short a leash you might put on your dog, you'd never pull his teeth.
The guy with the knife will eventually get tired and and be disarmed.Yes it's comical that 11 police are there but what has that to do with guns?Are you saying he should be shot?The guy is obviously a nut job.Does that been we have to execute him?
Because of all the guns in America and the "Gun Culture"your police have to be armed.I don't at this moment feel our police either need to be or want to be.As to the average guy in the street being armed absolutely not.
There are so many aspects of American culture I do so admire. But this ownership of guns with it's so obvious (IMHO)flaws is not one of them.
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