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Old 17-11-08, 01:28 AM   #5
Earthbound misfit
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Originally Posted by theknife View Post
now more than ever, Americans are painfully aware of government's place in their lives and they voted with the expectation that government should do more, not less. the election was not about making government bigger - it was about making government more competent.
More competence in government would be great, but if the 111th congress manages to bring its approval rating above 25% I'll be very surprised. The government is the biggest it has ever been, and that's one thing I think the new regime intends not to change.

What people want is a government that compliments our hard work, not one that supplements it. We're going to see if the Democrats received that message or if they're going to pursue the same agenda that lost them their majority in 1994. Their party may have the bigger tent, but it's only a tent in the figurative sense; it's not a shelter against the storm. No, we have to provide for ourselves and for each other. We need to work hard, get educated, save our money, and pay our debts (and a few platitudes from Obama to that effect would do wonders for the economy, despite the disappointment it would cause his proselytes). The government can and should assist, but it can't and shouldn't try do what we can do for ourselves, not while funding a deployed military force and paying down its own debt.
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