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Old 26-09-08, 07:25 AM   #1
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Originally Posted by jcmd62 View Post

God forbid the taxpayers actually pay to help hard working American citizens save themselves from forclosure and losing their homes that they work 60+ hours a week to pay the mortgages on. That shit is just un-fukin-American.
got a problem with asking those taxpayers?

that's basically the conversation the country's having right now. the days when bush could come out of a religous trance and lay down a scary sermon the entire country swallows are over. finally.

i'm sure you know lots of natavist republicans, so go ahead and ask them, they're who's blocking this bill. conservative republicans say folks back home are against paulson's proposal by a ratio of 100-1. they want a "free market" solution, not a bailout that leaves the country on the hook for hundreds of billions in loans. but free market fingers are all over this disaster so i don't know how that's going to work. meanwhile 200 economists who actually study this stuff say the bill won't work, period, and several who were in favor of it said today things are changing so fast even if this program is passed today it will be obsolete before it begins. sure, warren buffet's a chearleader but who really is behind this, and why, and where is the evidence it will do what they say? don't blame the liberals. i'm one and i'm against it. it's a wall street/washington ripoff unless someone proves otherwise, and i don't see that happening.

- js.
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