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Old 17-09-08, 04:13 AM   #1
Alpha Stoner
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It is a bad thing. O'Rielly isn't an investigative reporter, he's a hack looking to make himself look tough. He's not a journalist trying to get information out of the interview, but a bully playing up to his audience.

He's also a moron who knows nothing about economics, even something so simple a question as how the price of a barrel of oil is set:

D’AGOSTINO: Well, OPEC sets the supply for what they can produce. The price of oil is actually set in exchange at trades in New York and in London, as well.

O’REILLY: Is there a guy who says $121 a barrel?

D’AGOSTINO: No. There’s a huge market. It’s filled with hedgers. It’s filled with speculators. It’s filled with moms and dads, average Americans. It’s a big market that sets this price.

O’REILLY: Somebody has to put the $125 a barrel on the barrel. Who does it?

D’AGOSTINO: They’re taking it from this market. They’re just like…

O’REILLY: Who is “they”?

D’AGOSTINO: The producers. They’re looking at this, just like when you decide how much a share of IBM is worth. You look at the settlement price in the New York Stock Exchange.

O’REILLY: The CEO of Shell or the CEO of ExxonMobil say, “We’re going to pay $125 a barrel.” Is that what they say? I thought it was the sheiks and Hugo Chavez saying, “We’re going to charge you $125 a barrel.”

D’AGOSTINO: No. They’re all looking to the exchanges or the free markets to set that price point. The free markets right now are saying the price of crude oil is about 120 bucks a barrel. It’s been going up. It continues to go up.
He's simple and knows nothing and doesn't try to learn. He is what would be called a 'typical American'. We have several 'typical Americans' here on this dead and dying forum.

Are you a 'typical American'?


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