Thread: Words Of Wisdom
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Old 15-09-08, 12:38 PM   #8
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But the fact remains that if the tables were turned it would be all you would hear about. If Obama had a 16 yr old daughter who was knocked up it would be front page news. If Obama didn't know Sunni from Shi'ite it would be front page news. If Obama thought Iran was training Al Qaeda it would be front page news.

McCain said he didn't love America until he was a POW (he was a POW? Really? I hadn't heard..) and no one blinked an eye. Michelle Obama said '..for the first time in my adult life I'm really proud of my country' and everyone went apeshit and called her unpatriotic.

Obama didn't wear a flag pin because he knew it for what it was: a false sign of patriotism. He was called unpatriotic. McCain didn't wear one several times, including his acceptance speech as the Republican candidate for President. No one said a word.

It's the double standard and it's not just words to me.


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