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Old 11-09-08, 02:37 AM   #4
The Fungus Among Us
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Good post, Multi. Should have happened a long time ago. I just hope we don't go any deeper. We made a good name for ourselves, and now we seem to be taking that name and soiling it. We do have a great nation, and have the capabilities to do great good, or do great harm. I admit our choice in leader has been lacking, but we always hope for better.

From what I have seen so far this political race has been marred by the usual mudslinging, and the issues have been ignored for the most part. Lies abound. Nobody wants to give an inch. I am still amazed by the willing ignorance of the public to the important issues, in deference to the medias' pop-culture celebrity look at politics. A gaffe is more important than a serious opinion by a policy maker.

Anyway, my point on topic, was about politicians in general being liars. At least in the circumstances we have in the USA today. You can hear truth from them, but it is often shrouded in double talk and vagary that makes it essentially meaningless.

McCain/Palin = Nutters = No Good = Remorse
Obama/Biden = Try = Fail = Same

Bah!!!!!! That's my interpretation of this election. I'm still voting third party.
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A truth that's told with bad intent, Beats all the lies you can invent. - William Blake
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